Monday, October 3, 2011


     Hidden in an abandoned mine, The Safehouse, for Amoko, represented the beginning. The Safehouse is where this hatred began. Everything done up to this point had brought them so much closer to where they needed to be to move on to the next stage of rebellion. Expansion was next.  Before then more steel and arms needed to be acquired.
     Lupis- a fairly small community that Amoko called home sat on the road to the south of the Safehouse.
     Back when Canthrop, a very talented shaman who studied and practiced the augmentation of various rocks and minerals, sensed a very sizable load of lamentium underneath Lupis's boundaries, it was a quite prosperous city. Precious stone such as Lamentium are residual remains of the Astral given off by emotion, in this case, sorrow. Lupis was established, at first, as a base of operations known as Grey. It was a rather successful compound, recruiting and training troops for the common defense. Untill, in the dead of night, it was ambushed and burnt to the ground. Countless casualties were suffered that night. Terror and dread combined with the Astral given off by the terror and dread, mixed with that released from the ashes of the burned seeped through the ground, accumulated, and crystallized into a massive formation of Lamentium.

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