Friday, July 1, 2011

The scouting parties around Illune were relentless. Amoko paused to catch his breath, hearing the dry leaves rustle under his feet. The night sky above provided just enough light to outline the husky, skeletal sihlouette of trees as he darted past. He was moving towords The South Road to intercept a shipment of weapons headed to Illune, the capital city of Braem, Samuel II, the monarch had made a mistake when he shut down the public educational system, Amoko had organized a mass of people with similar interests to attempt a rebellion. This band of sorts he called Legion. They had been preparing to supply an army. The shipment alone was not nearly enough, but it was a start. The rest of his companions were already where they needed to be. Shrouded by the night, he was invisible as he swept across the woodland. Once Amoko was in place all that was left to do was wait and hope for the best. In time, Amoko caught a glimps of the wagon, surrounded by an escort of guard, about five from what he could see, two on horseback and three trailing the wagon. He signaled to the rest that they would all ambush at once. Most effective, but left little room for error. The clink of the chain mail worn by the escort and the whinnies of horses growing nearer was all that could be heard. The weight of his battleaxe bearing down on him, Amoko and his four companions readied for action. Amoko was the closest to the wagon. The first guard passed him without giving any sign of noticing he was there, the almost rhythmical trod of the horse lulled him. Amoko could hear the wooden frame of the wagon creak under the weight of its burden. Once the wagon had passed his position, Amoko whistled to signal the attack, sprung out of the bushes that he had used for cover, he ran toward the guard that had just passed him. Amoko unslung his axe, and using the momentum that his movement created, swept the blade of his axe across the guards midsection and forced him to the ground, Amoko swung the axe around over his head and brought it down crushing the blade of his axe through the man's helm splitting the guards skull. Amoko snickered under his breath, that crisp feeling whenever his steal crushed bone filled him with joy. The ambush must have been successful seeing that the five of them were the only ones left standing, besides the horses. Satisfied, they all exchanged glances.

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